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Endometrial Biopsy

Endometrial Biopsy ProcedureAn endometrial biopsy refers to the procedure that involves removing a tiny piece of tissue from your endometrium, more commonly called the uterine lining. The specialist does the test to examine the tissue under a microscope or more extensively in a lab.

Even a small tissue sample can help confirm a diagnosis that may not be apparent in previous tests. For example, it may show changes in the cells that indicate a specific condition or reflect hormone changes. After an endometrial biopsy, your gynecologist in Midtown typically will have a clearer idea of your condition and which treatment or additional tests you require.

The Manhattan Women’s Health and Wellness with locations in Midtown and on the Upper East Side offers comprehensive Obstetrics & Gynecology care for women of all ages. We provide a full range of gynecologic services at our clinic, from annual check-ups and routine pap smears to performing endometrial biopsies and gynecology procedures.

Why Might You Need the Test?

The test can reveal several conditions from the tissue sample removed during an endometrial biopsy.

Conditions that may require that you undergo a biopsy to find a cause of your symptoms include:

  • Bleeding that occurs after you’ve stopped menstruating due to menopause
  • Discovery of a thickened uterine wall following an ultrasound
  • Excessive bleeding while taking fertility drugs
  • Menstrual periods include an abnormally strong blood flow, such as bleeding that lasts too long, is heavier than usual, or is continuously irregular.
  • Check for endometrial cancer.

You may need to undergo the test if your doctor believes you may have an infection that can’t otherwise be confirmed. Infections very often lead to excessive bleeding, a condition called endometriosis. Testing for endometrial cancer is a vital step in treating the disease because this type of cancer is the most common form in the female reproductive system. At the same time, a specialist in Midtown may have other reasons for conducting an endometrial biopsy.

Endometrial cancer is the most common female cancer in the US

What Can You Expect?

Endometrial biopsy steps usually are performed on an outpatient basis in the gynecologist’s office. However, your doctor can perform the test while you’re staying in the hospital with symptoms that have become more serious. The place where the endometrial biopsy takes place depends on your overall health and condition.

The usual process that you’ll follow involves the following steps:

  • First, empty your bladder before the procedure begins.
  • Remove your clothes from the waist down.
  • Lie on an examination table with your feet in foot holders, like you do when you’re getting your annual pelvic exam.
  • The gynecologist will place a speculum in the vagina so they can see your cervix.
  • Your gynecologist cleans the internal area with antiseptic.
  • Your cervix may need to be grasped by a small tool. This step sometimes feels like a small pinch or mosquito bite.
  • The specialist removes the instruments and preserves the sample in a solution prepared for the laboratory analysis.

The amount of tissue taken depends on your symptoms and what your local doctor or gynecologist suspects may be going on. The test is relatively painless, although you may feel some discomfort when the specialist passes the tube through your cervix. Also, the instruments may be cold to the touch, which can cause cramping while they’re inserted and rotated in your uterus. The entire procedure shouldn’t last longer than about 30 minutes.

When considering an endometrial biopsy vs colposcopy, remember that the colposcopy is often the first procedure performed because that test just involves looking at your cervix when it’s set up and spread. If your doctor sees abnormalities, she can proceed with the biopsy without putting you through additional procedures.

What Happens After the Test?

If the doctor put you under any relaxing sedation for the test, you’d need to have someone drive you home from the office. After a short rest, you may need to wear a sanitary pad to trap any small residual amount of bleeding common after uterine biopsies.

You may also continue to feel some discomfort and cramping for a few days; Your gynecologist may give you a mild pain reliever if you need it. However, follow directions closely because some over-the-counter pain relievers, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, can cause additional bleeding.

To prevent adverse consequences from the procedure:

  • Refrain from sex after endometrial biopsy for two to three days.
  • Avoid douching or using tampons for two to three days or for the time recommended by your physician.
  • Resume your regular diet and eating patterns unless otherwise directed.
  • Limit your activity for a couple of days, such as lifting heavy objects.
  • Return for a follow-up visit as required.

What Are Potential Side Effects?

While the endometrial biopsy is generally safe with little or no long-term side effects, there always are potential issues that can arise with any procedure.

Possible risks associated with a uterine biopsy can include:

  • Prolonged bleeding
  • Infection
  • Continued cramping
  • Tearing or perforating your uterine wall, an infrequent occurrence

Call your gynecologist in NYC if other, less common, side effects occur, such as:

  • A foul-smelling discharge
  • Continued bleeding after uterine biopsy past two days
  • Severe abdominal cramping or pain
  • Fever or chills

What does It Mean?

uterine cancer screeningIn addition to taking care of the mild side effects that you can expect, waiting for the test results can be the most frustrating part of having an endometrial biopsy. Abnormal results may indicate the line of treatment or the next round of tests.

Some results of endometrial biopsy could be:

  • Infection
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Polyps in your uterus
  • Anovulatory bleeding caused by abnormal hormone levels
  • Other hormone imbalances
  • Hyperplasia or pre-cancer
  • Endometrial cancer

What to Do Before Your Endometrial Biopsy?

The doctor can perform an endometrial biopsy only if the patient isn’t pregnant since this operation may lead to miscarriage. It would help if you were confident that you are not pregnant, and for this, you will take a pregnancy test. If you are unsure about pregnancy, you should keep track of your menstrual cycle because it is crucial to take a test at a specific moment during it. Of course, it is vital to tell your doctor about your medical history and what medications you use. Your doctor will ask you simple questions:

  • Do you have an allergy to latex, anesthesia, drugs, etc.?
  • Do you have any bleeding problems?

After making sure that a doctor knows all the necessary information, you can prepare for the procedure. Rules are pretty simple: don’t step back before the operation, and at least for 24 hours, don’t use tampons or drugs. Before the treatment, ask your doctor about painkillers because the surgery may be painful.

Difference Between Endometrial Biopsy vs. Colposcopy?

An endometrial biopsy helps diagnose problems in your uterus, but a colonoscopy focuses only on the cervix. Other facts say that an endometrial biopsy extracts some cells from the uterine’s lining. In some cases, women may ask for both operations, but it depends on their medical condition.

Have questions about the Endometrial Biopsy procedure? Then, schedule an appointment with a nationally recognized New York City GYN doctor of Manhattan Women’s Health and Wellness, today.

Updated on Sep 23, 2023 by Manhattan Women’s Health and Wellness
Best-in-class New York Gynecology Clinic

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New York City Locations: Manhattan Women's Health & Wellness (Upper East Side) 983 Park Ave, Ste 1D17
New York, NY 10028
(212) 389-1904
Manhattan Women's Health & Wellness (Midtown) 56 W 45th St, Ste 815
New York, NY 10010
(212) 677-7654
Manhattan Women's Health & Wellness (Union Square) 55 W 17th St, Ste 104
New York, NY 10011
(212) 378-9985
DISCLAIMER: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information on this website is to provide general information. The information on this website does NOT reflect definitive medical advice, and self-diagnoses should not be made based on information obtained online. It is important to consult a physician for a consultation and examination regarding any symptoms or signs you may be having. Your physician should make an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to exclude a serious condition.